Enumerate through paginated REST API resources
When working with a JSON API that exposes a list of resources we typically are in presence of paginated results. …
Enhanced Filterable concern for Rails models
If you have ever tried to filter Rails models via a RESTful controller, you’ve probably read Justin Weiss’s great article about making models filterable without bloating the controllers. …
Introducing ElasticNotifier
ElasticNotifier is a gem that provides a simple API to send error notifications to an ElasticSearch server. …
Implementing a worker pool
Often in time when you need to execute multiple tasks it pays off to run them in parallel, especially when they involve blocking I/O operations. However, it may not always be possible to spin as many threads as the number of tasks, think about the maximum number of connections allowed to a database server or threads that could use large chunks of memory. …
Ruby threads and queues
Lately I’ve been working on scaling up the algorithm of a Master-Slave architecture and given the amount of patterns I’m using I figured I’d write a series of blog posts on Ruby concurrency and its patterns. …
Build a CLI as Ruby Gem
Ruby is known for having a great ecosystem of code sharing within the community. Rubygems and Bundler have done an amazing job in simplifying this process and dependency management, even influencing modern package managers for other languages. …